Ian hates when I say "interesting." He accuses me of using it inappropriately. He tells me that sometimes I genuinely mean that something is interesting. Sometimes it means "that is the stupidist thing I've ever heard, but I'm pretending it's interesting." Since it can have a double meaning, I guess it works for how I feel about life lately. I know these insignificant happenings aren't all that interesting, yet they've all added up to lots of frustrations and laughs for me and have made things "interesting" for me anyhow.
I thought last week was my bad week. My frustrations included: our truck breaking down, having to get up at 5:30am on my day off to drive Ian to work, having the work truck Ian borrowed getting stolen from our driveway, having to get up early to walk Kellen to the sitter and to work, witnessing conflict at work, hearing the accusations of racism in our workplace...The latter of which left me so unsettled. I thought it would be therapeutic last week to write about it all, but I never was able to write coherent thoughts. Anyhow, Ian finally was able to fix the truck on friday, nobody was upset about the work truck, and things around the office seem fairly resolved.
I had hopes that was it for "interesting" happenings. I started off Monday morning feeling super organized. I was up early and had chili made in the crockpot, with time to spare for some quality time with Kellen before going to the sitter's. I just was going to put a few dishes away. A falling mug from the cupboard hit the glass crockpot lid and shattered EVERYWHERE! I was late for work after cleaning up all the glass and was frustrated thinking I had to make supper again!! And, what am I going to do without a crockpot?? I was rushing when I got home from work to make supper and knocked a full bottle of syrup out of the cupboard, which broke and splattered extensively. It was a horrible sticky situation.
Interesting, frustrating, funny...whatever. I hope that's it for my bad luck.
Today is our 3-year anniversary. I'm going to surprise Ian tonight (I hope) with pie. Something he always asks me to do for him, and I haven't done yet. I'm hoping the pie will be made with no interesting stories to tell.