Sunday, November 04, 2012


Forgetting to count blessings
I grumble with frustrations
Remembering to see with eyes wide open
I know it's all love gifted.

The cat sprawled sleeping
Karate lessons begun
Kids xcountry skiis purchased
Finding their own craft together
Peaceful sleep and dreams
More eggs gathered everyday
Tears for the broken egg dried when he cooks it
A season changing, snow coming
So small this list of recent moments remembered
I vow to count more, to snap and capture more
I don't want to miss the gifts

Sitting now in front of the fire
The mess I fought against won again
Toys, dishes, a stray jacket, a book, practice word flash cards,
I chose to see differently
A mess or the evidence of a blessed life?
A house full of crazy fun kids
A weekend lived.

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