Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nature Day

I thought Kellen looked like a nature boy when I dressed him this morning in his moose sleeper and squirrel booties. Thanks Monica and Roy for the very cute sleeper. He had a very wakeful day. I don't think he slept more than 20 minutes at a time. After lunch he was fussy and sleepless so I finally put him in his new Chariot and off we went. I love the Chariot. It's so comfortable for him and so easy for me to run with. I have always stayed in town so far but get tired of the same streets in this small town. I decided to go out of town today so I headed out to Fort San where I know the TransCanada trail is. The only bad part is the somewhat busy road with no shoulder and a little bridge to get to the start of the trail. However, on the way back I saw there is more trail than I realized and it heads back into town, avoiding the bad road and bridge. It was beautiful...reeds and tall grass with lots of birds, no view of the town, I felt I was really enjoying nature with no distractions. Much to my surprise the trail comes out behind the old hospital where I used to work. I couldn't believe I didn't know about this trail before. As I walked the few blocks to my house, I noticed there was another sign for the trail on the street I was on, and then I saw another sign... Can you believe the trail markers go right to the park in my backyard, about 25 ft from my garage? Now you may be thinking I must be completely unobservant, but I claim it is the most poorly marked trail. Anyhow, I am looking forward to running on the trail this summer. And, yes, Kellen does enjoy it. He slept the first little bit, until I stopped on the street for a visit and he woke up. He really likes to be in motion constantly. He was quite happy to stare at the hills as we went by. I think he enjoyed our nature day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Go Power Momma!

I am impressed by your athleticism going for runs after giving birth... well not quite right after, but anyway. Its such a beautiful outfit that you put Kellen in and I'm certain at the rate your going you will be back into peak shape after this summer, especially with the lugging the extra weight of Kellen with you too.