Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Lots of new things in my world. Playing around with the look of the blog after getting the idea that it needed a new title. It was a year or two ago that I remember saying to Ian in complete frustration that nothing works out well for us. I think I knew that was never true, but I was really feeling it somedays. Lately though I feel our cup is overflowing with blessings. If it wasn't almost 1am I'd go into more detail. But I can hardly think straight after the feat of actually achieving this new look on the blog. I will take time to share the biggest news. Ian gave his 2 weeks notice to his work this morning. He has a new job starting with the Town of FQ. It will completely change our lives. As this has all unfolded the last 2 weeks, I have been constantly thinking of new ways this will affect us. It is going to be amazing. So when you stop by here, I'll be sharing the new blessings as our cup continues to overflow.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, I'm happy for you all. It will be so nice to have him near! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! So excited for you guys! You have been waiting so long for him to get a job closer and it will! How exciting for all of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to read about Ian's new job. I'm sure you are both so excited for him to be home so much more!! Praying for a smooth transition!

jenn with two n's said...

I like the new look of the blog and its title. That is a perfect sentiment. I'm so glad that Ian's work will have him home. Truly, that is a long awaited blessing (that many of us might take for granted).
Much love

Monica said...

That's great!!! I like the new blog look, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Janet, nice new blog! Congratulations on Ian getting a new job. That will be so great for you to actually have him close to home! Hey, I wanna see pictures of the new house now.

Anonymous said...

I love your new title. The concept is very Janet. Your (our) children have always been what your lives are "all about". but to paraphrase a poem,
"You could not love them half so much, loved you not honour more"

But I couldn't find your links - so do I need to find a new route to check on others.
Love to all, mary

Heather said...

Hey Janet - I'm jealous of your new look :-) Great job!!

And congrat's to Ian and the new job!!

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

exciting stuff, Janet! nice to hear that your whole family will be at home now! :)
thinking of you guys and looking forward to a visit in your new home when we're back.

Anonymous said...

I think that the new job is great too! Congrats Ian.

Laurie said...

Sounds wonderful!!!

Isn't nice to just feel Happy :)

There are times recently that I just feel sooo happy! :) Glad you are too!!!

Wish I could come over for coffee to chat! Maybe we'll have to meet on facebook sometime!?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you guys yesterday and wondered what was happening with the job situation. So glad to hear that you will actually get to spend so much time together! What a blessing!