Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm feeling a lot of love this Sunday afternoon. Love for my husband who took the kids to camp and gave me 32 hours all to myself. Love for inspiring friends and reconnection (thanks so much, Julia.) While it seems very strange to type - Also, love for myself, which I think is pretty good after spending so many hours in solitude. I loved being alone and all the things I got to do, even laundry, baking, weeding and all the quiet reflection. It has been fantastic and I'm so ready for this busy week. Only working 3 days, but long days into the evening. Not that I'm complaining, because then I'll be enjoying 2 more weeks of holidays. Anyhow, I'm getting sidetracked.

I also loved the people I got to meet at Creation Vacation this week. It was a wonderful group of people. When the kids are older, I would love to do the whole week. But, I loved the day I had, and Sheena was awesome! She made me want to take up writing.

These are 2 recent pictures that give me lots of love feelings. It was such a great moment watching these kids have so much fun playing up on the hill. It was gorgeous!
Now that I'm feeling so very refreshed, I can hardly wait for family to get home to love on them! I am so thankful for those who bring love into my life. I hope you can feel overwhelmed by love in your life today!

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