Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Sunday Dress

I always say I want to sew. I've been collecting fabric and a few patterns. But pretty much nothing actually gets done. Today, I just whipped this up. I almost said no problem, but I had a couple glitches. It looks unfinished with the 2 pins holding it up, but the button holes are there and I just have to buy some buttons. Button holes were a first for me, but my manual is well written and it didn't take long. Anyhow, I kind of akwardly feel like I'm bragging now, so I'll end there.

And, I'll include this video for your entertainment - if you like kids making animal noises. She sure was being a goof when she couldn't sleep tonight. I have MANY similar videos also taken tonight, but I think this was one of my favorites.


Anonymous said...

I love the dress. I have been learning to sew. One sunday I made the girls 4 dundresses. Great job. I havemn't figured out the button hole attatchment. I have been to scared to try. I better just do it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dress, but the girl is far more adorable. She is such a beautiful girl!

Laurie said...

The dress is great! GOOD JOB!!

She is getting SOOO big!!

Laurie said...

The dress is great! GOOD JOB!!

She is getting SOOO big!!