Yesterday I felt like supermom and thought how easy this adjustment is going. By 10 a.m. I had showered, we were all dressed, beds made, breakfast was cleaned up, meals for the day planned, baby was bathed and sleeping again, I was reading books with the big kids, and I even had planned our week of Kids of Integrity activities. I went to bed last night with a clean house. Today, at 11:30 a.m. I was still not showered or dressed, the kids were not dressed, they had been playing computer/watching movies with barely any supervision, I had changed diapers too many times and Neve was on her third outfit of the day, been nursing/rocking/bouncing constantly, had no idea what was for lunch, was starting to feel frustrated because nothing was working out, and I finally showered while listening to baby cry.
So, I will try to accept whatever way the day goes, while I figure out how to manage all the needs in front of me. I have asked the kids a few times when I am tending to babe and both of them are fussing at me for something. "Hey, how many moms are in the room? How many kids? That's right only 1 mom for 3 kids, so you have to be patient." Kellen especially gets it and either quits fussing or will even make an effort to help. Which is nice, and also makes me feel bad for him that he is always waiting the longest for attention.
One more complaint before I move on to the positive - I miss this...
But -
- Neve has the sweetest face and her brief little smiles make me melt
- Kellen is amazing to watch and listen to with his littlest sister. I have been delighted with the way he wants to talk to her, read to her, cuddle her...
- It just feels right to be at this point, loving these 3 kids
- I know how fast it goes. I may totally miss out on x-country skiing this season, but there are many more winters to come.
- Spring is not far away, and everything will be easier by then.
- I am so thankful for this time to be at home with my lovely 3!
aw. You know what? I am seriously amazed that you had one great day like that ALREADY! Good for you! And you are so right to just enjoy & treasure them! Can't wait to see you all again!
Enjoy this crazy, tiring, frustrating time. It does get easier, much easier. God bless you and your wonderful spirit! Yeah!!!
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