Friday, August 25, 2006

Crazy Cousins

Kellen and I had a fun visit for a day to Stoughton. All summer we have planned to take Kellen swimming with the cousins, so of course it turned out to be a rainy day when we finally went. Too bad, but we had lots of fun anyhow. Here is Nolan dressed up by Kayla. Mostly fun, and a little scary. I hope he turns out "normal". hee, hee. Thanks so much for the visit, Jenn.

This weekend Ian is playing tennis, so off to Regina for us tomorrow morning. I am also being brave again this year and playing doubles with him. Hopefully it will go better than last year. I really wanted to play singles too, but I guess there's next year, when Kellen is not so attached to me...


Monica said...

Does Nolan ever look like his Mom!
Good luck in the tournament, and let us know if you see Hero!

Anonymous said...

Auntie Janet-
You've got 1 hour to take that picture off your blog- before I call my lawyer!!

p.s. did you forget your title, ahem, cough, cough- it's "all about KELLEN!"

Anonymous said...

Come on Auntie Jenn. I love my cousin Nolan and wanted to tell a story about him. He's so cute. Please can I have permission?

Oh, yeah, Mom says to say that her and daddy won their first match together! And Dad did very well and is playing in the semi-finals tomorrow morning. No Hero was sighted.

jenn with two n's said...

I agree with Monica...For a second I thought I was looking at a pic' from the past! Seriously though we did that a lot with my little brother--you better ask him how he feels. I also know that some Parker boys had fun in the same dress up clothes my sister tried at Maureen's. I love the photos and stories! Kellen looks so grown up in the back of the truck with your Mom.

jenn with two n's said...

I agree with Monica...For a second I thought I was looking at a pic' from the past! Seriously though we did that a lot with my little brother--you better ask him how he feels. I also know that some Parker boys had fun in the same dress up clothes my sister tried at Maureen's. I love the photos and stories! Kellen looks so grown up in the back of the truck with your Mom.